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I have been immersed in the depths of the heat, under the scorching sun, colors that vibrate, skin that sweats, amidst the labyrinth of transient lives that one sees in the empty roads and the megalopolis of the global south. Souths with meat, with flavor and noise, where you find a torrent that carries you, brings you, touches you, palpitates, dissolves you; a path that no one knows where it begins or where it takes you...

Campus, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Kids playing football. Their coach approached me and asked if I was a football scout from a prestigious team, so he could deploy his best player to recruit him.

Nsukka market on Monday. Strike of some vendors after the incidents against Igboland leaders by the federal government.

A master defense thesis in the Department of Political Science.

Snap of Meka, Abdi, and Paul, PhD candidates in the Department of Physics. Scholars' village.

Student of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts

Laboratory of Technology on the main campus. It was the only place with electricity and internet 24/7 thanks to a solar panel.

Sculptures by the campus. Group of Nsukka was a famous artist group that promoted African arts in the 80s and 90s. Members like El Anatsui have sculptures exhibited worldwide, including the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

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